Quiz Experience, Landing page Entry points
Competitive Research, UX, Visual Design, Hi-Fi Prototyping, Interaction Guides

Workshopping a tailored vehicle tool
Mitsubishi wanted to give users a way to find their preferred vehicle based on lifestyle. Our team then workshopped a variety of ways we can create a tailored experience for users to find their 'perfect' vehicle. We thought of some out of box ideas and kept looking for ways to create a new-to-mitsubishi tool that users will find both useful and delightful.

Building an evolving matrix
Our team decided to start thinking through an interactive quiz experience. The biggest challenge here was to create an evolving journey of questions that felt meaningful and relevant to users. In order to do this, we had to think through the journey and matrix of questions that evolves as the users responds to each question. This in depth level of matrix building was something I've never done, so we had many workshopping sessions to figure out the best way to go about this process.

Discovering the landscape
In parallel with the matrix building, I performed a competitive audit for other quiz experiences similar to what we envisioned for Mitsubishi.

Turning insights into design
After all of the discovery, research, and content mapping, I started to wire together our quiz flow and corresponding landing pages.

Visual Design
Visioning outside of the design library
Our team wanted this experience to feel slightly different from the rest of the site. This differentiation would allow us to showcase an exciting and featured experience. Luckily, Mitsubishi gave us the greenlight to explore different imagery and components in this experience.

Building time for ample workshopping
The biggest takeaway from this project was the importance of thinking through not only the ideas but how these ideas can come to life within the timeline of the project. The time needed to build out the matrix aspect was exponentially more then we initially thought, so we had to think on our feet at various points. For future projects, I'll be able to recall this as an example of a complex tool that needs time for backend journey mapping.